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Truth: it can feel strange to constantly be describing your own food as tasty, delicious, incredible (insert brain's favorite adjectives), even though it is good again, and you want others to try it and love it the way you do. Not so with this recipe. The descriptive sentences were flying through my head throughout the eating which had me bouncing in my seat; I was pumped about this recipe.

The red wine sauce is my favorite part, probably because I used a wine that I love (Layer Cake Malbec), but it also gave a winter-y quality to the dish. The wine sauce coated the pasta and soaked into the breadcrumbs, reminding me of winter nights with a slow glass of red and crusty, butter-smeared bread (+ cheese). But this dish is spring-like too, with the peppery tangles of arugula.

Transitional. Like the weather right now...

Need to feed more than two? Double the recipe.

Notes: Red wine is Layer Cake's Malbec. Garlic-infused olive oil is Trader Joe's.



Ingredients: 8 oz. whole wheat spaghetti, 1 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. garlic-infused olive oil, 1/3 cup red wine, 2 cups arugula, 1/2 cup homemade breadcrumbs (see tip below), 1/3 cup grated Parmesan, sea salt and pepper, chili flakes (optional).

Serves 1-2.

1. Bring a deep saucepan of salty water to a boil. Tip in noodles and cook according to package directions for al dente (about 5 minutes). Drain.

2. Heat red wine in a small saucepan on medium until just before simmering.

3. Add the butter and oil to the bottom of a serving bowl. Pour over the hot red wine and whisk vigorously to make a sauce.

3. Tip the hot noodles into the bowl. Add the arugula, breadcrumbs, and Parmesan, and toss them together. Season with pepper and chili flakes, to taste.

Tip: My favorite homemade breadcrumbs. Start with 2 pieces of brioche or sourdough bread. Tear, then chop into small pieces. Heat 1 tbsp. of butter in the bottom of a skillet over medium heat. When melted, add the bread. Cook until toasted and brown. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.

#red wine butter pasta with arugula and breadcrumbs #red wine butter pasta #red wine butter #spring pasta recipe


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