The scone, on its own, is able to impart both comfort and a sense of well-being. (It's true.) Add creamy white chocolate chips, and a tart-earthy strawberry compote, and you have alchemy--better, an anti-depressant.

"Scones are my first breakfast love. My maternal grandmother used to sit me on her wood-look laminate counter, tie an apron around my waist, and let me "cut-in" the butter with two knives."
Notes: Flour is unbleached. White chocolate chips are Tollhouse.
Double-Chocolate Muesli Bars
Ingredients: 2 cups flour, scant 1/3 cup sugar + 1 tsp., 1 Tbsp. baking powder, big pinch of salt, 6 Tbsp. cold unsalted butter, 1/2 cup whipping cream (or half and half if you prefer but you will lose some softness) 1 egg, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 cup white chocolate chips, 1 cup chopped strawberries, 1 Tbsp. Balsamic vinegar
1. Preheat oven to 400*. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in large bowl.
2. "Cut in" the butter into the mixture by using two butter knives in criss cross motions, like making x's into the flour. Or use a pastry blender.
3. When butter is incorporated and the mixture is like pebbly sand, make a well in the center.
4. Pour the cream into the well, then crack the egg into it. Beat the egg with the cream using a fork.
5. Switch to a spoon and mix the wet ingredients into the dry- only until just combined.
6. Turn out mixture onto lightly floured surface and form a ball, then press into a large disk- about 7 inches. Cut pie-shaped pieces out and place on parchment-lined baking sheet.
7. Chill for 5 minutes, then bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden, cool.
For the compote:
1. Place chopped strawberries, vinegar, and 1 tsp. sugar into a small pan, and bring to boil.
2. Turn down to simmer and reduce until thickened, about 15 minutes.
3. Will keep in refrierator up to 2 weeks.
Tip: All ingredients except butter should be at room temperature.
#Scones #Strawberries #WhiteChocolate #Breakfast #Homemade